HomeSCIENCE & TECHWaymo and Cruise Get Green Light for Paid Driverless Rides in San...

Waymo and Cruise Get Green Light for Paid Driverless Rides in San Francisco

The cars must be equipped with a variety of safety features, including LIDAR, radar, and cameras.

In a landmark decision, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted 3-1 on August 11, 2023 to approve permits for Waymo and Cruise to offer paid driverless rides in San Francisco. This approval marks the first time companies have been allowed to commercially deploy and charge for autonomous robotaxi services in a major US city.

Waymo and Cruise have spent years testing their self-driving cars in San Francisco, collectively logging millions of miles. With these new permits, the companies can now operate fleets of up to 300 vehicles each throughout the city 24/7 without a human safety driver behind the wheel. Passengers will soon be able to hail one of these fully driverless vehicles using the companies’ rideshare apps and pay a fare for their journey.

The CPUC permit approval comes after a thorough review of the extensive safety data presented by Waymo and Cruise. The commission concluded that the vehicles were ready for driverless operation on public roads. The permits require the robotaxis to be equipped with lidar, radar, and cameras to enable full self-driving. The vehicles must also demonstrate proficiency across various weather conditions. Waymo and Cruise will continue sharing performance data with regulators on an ongoing basis.

While it’s unclear exactly when the companies will launch their paid services, this permit approval moves autonomous vehicles one step closer to reality in a complex urban environment. It also sets the stage for potential wider adoption of the technology across California and beyond. However, Waymo and Cruise must continue to assure regulators and the public that these first commercial driverless rides will be safe.

This limited initial deployment of 300 vehicles per company will provide real-world experience to refine autonomous driving technology. But experts say it’s still early days for self-driving cars. The CPUC decision is a vote of confidence in Waymo’s and Cruise’s technical capabilities. However, broader consumer adoption will only come with more proof that autonomous vehicles can safely drive themselves anywhere humans can.

Laurent G.
Laurent G.
Laurent is a passionate writer who loves exploring the world of technology and its impact on our environment. With a keen interest in green tech, Laurent has been following the latest trends and innovations in the field, and he loves to share his findings with his readers.
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