HomeSCIENCE & TECHAn AI System Flew a Military Jet for 17 hours!

An AI System Flew a Military Jet for 17 hours!

The One-Of-A-Kind Training Aircraft is Changing the Face of Air Power at the U.S.

Lockheed Martin’s VISTA X-62A aircraft was recently flown by an artificial intelligence agent for over 17 hours, marking the first time AI has been used on a tactical aircraft. The Variable In-flight Simulation Test Aircraft, or VISTA, was developed by Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in collaboration with the USAF Test Pilot School and Calspan Corporation.

Using software that mimics the performance characteristics of other aircraft, VISTA is built on open systems architecture, allowing the development and testing of cutting-edge AI techniques with new unmanned vehicle designs. Recent upgrades by the U.S. Air Force include an updated VISTA Simulation System provided by Calspan, and Lockheed Martin’s Model Following Algorithm and System for Autonomous Control of the Simulation, which provide VISTA with new capabilities to conduct advanced flight test experiments emphasizing autonomy and AI.

VISTA is a modified F-16D Block 30 Peace Marble Il aircraft upgraded with Block 40 avionics. According to a statement from Lockheed, the AI agent conducted the 17-plus hour flight as part of a series of tests in December and flights are set to resume at Edwards Air Force Base throughout 2023.

“VISTA will allow us to parallelize the development and test of cutting-edge artificial intelligence techniques with new uncrewed vehicle designs,” said Dr. M. Christopher Cotting, U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School director of research. “This approach, combined with focused testing on new vehicle systems as they are produced, will rapidly mature autonomy for uncrewed platforms and allow us to deliver tactically relevant capability to our warfighter.”

The development of AI-powered technology in the aviation industry could potentially enable unmanned aircraft to operate more autonomously and reduce the need for human pilots. However, it also raises concerns over safety, security and job losses. VISTA’s successful test marks a significant milestone in the advancement of AI technology in the aviation industry, and the future impact it could have on the field of military aviation.

Theo Love
Theo Love
Theo is a freelance writer who has a passion for technology and loves to write about it. With over five years of experience in the tech industry, Theo has developed a deep understanding of the latest trends, gadgets, and innovations.
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