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Twitter’s Blue Checkmark Drama Continues

Celebrities Get Re-verified Without Paying

In an unexpected twist to Twitter’s blue checkmark Drama, some celebrities have had their checkmarks reinstated without paying for Twitter’s $8-a-month subscription, Twitter Blue. Initially, the blue checkmarks were removed from users who had not subscribed to Twitter Blue, but some high-profile users have since had their checkmarks reinstated without explanation. CEO Elon Musk has been vocal about his desire to monetize Twitter’s features, but the recent developments have left many scratching their heads.

The blue checkmark feature was once seen as a reliable guide to verify that accounts were legitimate, but its recent changes have caused confusion and legal consequences. Musk had previously claimed that the old checkmark system was inaccurate and arbitrary, which was one of the reasons he tied the checkmark to a Twitter Blue subscription.

However, the new system appears to be just as arbitrary as ever. Some accounts have had their checkmarks reinstated, while others have not, and it appears that the main criteria is the number of followers.

Many users have complained about the situation, with some pointing out that tying a person’s identity to a product or service without their consent can be seen as false endorsement. Furthermore, Twitter’s decision to ask brands to pay for verification in order to run ad campaigns on the platform has been seen by some as a money-grabbing move.

The issue of verification has been a highly debated topic under Twitter’s new management, and the recent developments have not done much to quell the controversy. While some big names have confirmed that they have paid for the blue checkmark and verified their phone number, many accounts have had their checkmarks reinstated without paying for a subscription. It remains to be seen what steps Twitter will take to address this issue going forward.

In the meantime, the blue checkmark saga continues to be a source of confusion and frustration for Twitter users, with many calling for a more transparent and consistent verification process. As one user pointed out, “Famous people from every walk of life you could think of have, in the span of a few days, grabbed their megaphones to tell the world they did not pay for a specific product.” It remains to be seen how Twitter will address this issue and regain the trust of its users.

Alison V.
Alison V.
Alison is a versatile freelance writer with a passion for storytelling and a talent for crafting compelling narratives. She loves to explore a wide range of topics, from pop culture and entertainment to current events and random musings.
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