HomeCARSUAW Workers Strike at Mack Trucks Plants in Three States

UAW Workers Strike at Mack Trucks Plants in Three States

Nearly 4,000 Employees Walk Out In Three States After Rejecting Contract Offer

Lehigh Valley, PA – Nearly 4,000 members of the United Auto Workers union walked off their jobs and went on strike at Mack Trucks plants in three states on Monday, October 9, 2023. The strike comes after UAW members voted down a tentative five-year agreement between the union and Mack Trucks, which is owned by Volvo Group.

The rejected deal was announced by UAW leadership on October 1st and would have covered UAW members at Mack Trucks facilities in Macungie, Pennsylvania, Hagerstown, Maryland, and Jacksonville, Florida. The UAW says its members voted down the agreement because it failed to adequately address concerns around job security, wage increases, benefits improvements, and the company’s plans regarding new technologies.

“Our members at Mack Trucks work hard, and they deserve job security, fair pay, and benefits that give them the opportunity to provide a good life for themselves and their families,” said Ray Curry, UAW President. “This tentative agreement did not go far enough to provide that.”

Mack Trucks expressed disappointment that the UAW decided to strike rather than continue negotiations. The company says the rejected deal included a 19% raise over 5 years along with enhanced benefits and job guarantees.

“While we are surprised and disappointed that the UAW’s International leadership has chosen to strike, Mack Trucks remains committed to working with the UAW to reach a reasonable and competitive labor agreement,” said Martin Weissburg, Mack Trucks president.

The strike is already having ripple effects beyond the truck plants. Some Mack Trucks dealers have reported dwindling inventory, and supply chain disruptions could soon impact businesses that rely on Mack trucks to transport goods. The work stoppage is also expected to lead to temporary layoffs at a Volvo Trucks plant in Virginia that uses parts from the struck Mack facilities.

This is the firstMack Trucks strike in 35 years and follows a nationwide strike by UAW workers against GM, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler in 2019. The UAW said it is prepared to strike for “as long as it takes” to get an acceptable deal from Mack Trucks and Volvo. Meanwhile, negotiations are expected to resume in the coming days as the company and union seek an agreement to end the walkout.

Alison V.
Alison V.
Alison is a versatile freelance writer with a passion for storytelling and a talent for crafting compelling narratives. She loves to explore a wide range of topics, from pop culture and entertainment to current events and random musings.
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